First there was spam. Now there is bacn (pronounced "bacon"), the latest buzzword to infiltrate the Internet.
According to the bloggers who invented the term, bacn is e-mail you want to read — just not now. It's Facebook notifications, bank statements, Google news alerts, or any of the other sundry e-mails that you asked for, yet quickly pile up unread—like a week's worth of newspapers.
Bacn is so-named because it's better than spam, but not as good as a personal e-mail. And unlike spam, bacn is self-inflicted. You signed up for it, and you actually do want that information. But yet it still feels like it's wasting your time.
你有多久没有收到过纸质的信件了?那些骑着自行车走街串巷送信的邮递员也不知道还有多少在岗。网络、手机让我们的信息传送越来越便捷,也难怪大家要把人工投递的信件称为snail mail了。
Snail mail refers to a letter or package physically delivered by a postal service, suggesting that the service is as slow as a snail. People would like to use this term especially when the object mailed could have been sent electronically via e-mail and arrived at the destination instantly.
“蜗牛邮件”指通过人工邮政投递的信件或包裹,snail在这里暗示这种投递方式的速度跟蜗牛一样慢。当某件邮品本可以通过电子邮件即刻送达收件人却没有这样做的时候,人们就用会snail mail来表达两种投递方式的区别。
For example:
Paranoid about "hackers" spying on him, my boss insists on sending all correspondence via snail mail, which means I can't use my spam filter to ignore him.