01.Stop spending time with the wrong people.不要和错误的人纠葛在一起。
02.Stop running from your problem.不要逃避问题。
03.Stop lying to yourself.不要自欺欺人。
04.Stop putting your own needs on the back burner.不要总把自己的需要放在第二位。
05.Stop trying to be someone you’re not.做自己,不要试图扮演别人。
06.Stop trying to hold onto the past.不要总沉溺于过去难以释怀。
07.Stop being scared to make a mistake.不要怕犯错误。
08.Stop berating yourself for old mistakes.不要总责备自己曾犯过的错。
09.Stop trying to buy happiness.不要试图用金钱来换取幸福。
10.Stop exclusively looking to others for happiness.不要把幸福依附在别人身上。
11.Stop being idle.不要畏葸不前。
12.Stop thinking you’re not ready.不要总认为自己没准备好。
13.Stop getting involved in relationship for the wrong reasons.不要盲目地开始一段新感情。
14.Stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn’t work.不要因为曾经的伤害,拒绝新的感情。
15.Stop trying to compete against everyone else.不要试图与所有人竞争。
16.Stop being jealous of others.不要嫉妒别人。
17.Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself.不要总抱怨和责备自己。
18.Stop holding grudges.不要记仇。
19.Stop letting others bring you down to their level.不要让别人拉低你的层次,与他们一样。
20.Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others.不要浪费时间对别人解释自己.
21.Stop doing the same things over and over without taking a break.不要把生命耗费在一些无休止的重复上。
22.Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments.不要错过生命中小小幸福时光。
23.Stop trying to make things perfect.不要追求事事完美.
24.Stop following the path of least resistance.不要总是走最容易的那条路。
25.Stop acting like everything is fine if it isn’t.不要总对外人假装事事顺利.
26.Stop blaming others for your troubles.不要因你的错误而责备别人。
27.Stop trying to be everything to everyone.不要幻想为所有人做所有事。
28.Stop worrying so much.停止焦虑。
29.Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen.不要盯着你不希望发生的事不放。
Stop being ungrateful.不要忘了感激你所拥有的一切。
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